Conserve Your iPhone’s Battery Power With BatterySense App

Recently, iOS 5 users are totally sucked by loosing the battery power at a drastic level.  Apple is saying that their is a bug in the software and soon they’ll be sending out an app or any other update for it, so iPhone users are stuck with trying to conserve their battery power by any means.

Their are already some tips and tricks available for conserving the battery power of your iPhone, still those tips tricks or ideas aren’t quite effective. So for getting some more effective control on your battery power, go for “BatterySense” App from Philips.

BatterySense not only provides you details about “what is eating your battery?”, but it also provides you ideas on how you can conserve your battery power. First of all when you open the app, you’ll be greeted with some squares. You can choose a single square from them to better know that how much battery power is remaining on your phone.

Choosing the ‘What if?’ square gives you the ability to scroll down through a scale to check out what you should do if you want your iPhone to drain battery power after a specific time. For example, if you want a stand-by time of 200 hours, then it’ll suggest you to turn off push notifications.

So BatterySense will not directly save your battery life. But it will provide you on-the-fly information about your remaining battery life and how you can increase your battery life. What are your thoughts about BatterySense let me and others know in the Disqus thread below and keep visiting Gadget Media for more interesting News and Stuff!